Monday, December 21, 2009
I love you like a fat kid loves cake!
FRIENDS, Pals & Acquaintances
I have a lot of "people I know", but true friends that love you for you, that celebrate who you are, that don't want to change you, that love you no matter what....
those are rare and so special!
You want to surround yourself with people that are right for you! That don't want to change you, or make you into something you're not....they just want to love, support you, be there for you...and just love who you are!
Same thing goes for a "special someone" in your want the right one. That makes you the best you...that makes you feel wonderful and adored. That celebrates you...and helps cheer you on to be the best you, you can be!
Sometimes we work hard to be friends with people who aren't right for us. People who don't have good intentions for us, or aren't people that will be right for us. God knows what we need in our life, and sometimes he will bring in the most amazing people to love you the right way!
If you don't have someone like that in your life right now, know that I believe in you, and I would celebrate all the wonderous things that make you who you are!
And you can always say a little prayer for God to guide a precious friend into your life!
huge love....from your friend that wouldn't change a thing about you! ~ Sierra
A B C.. it's easy as..1 2 3
I read something great about keeping our words....
have you ever had a party, and like 13 people said they'd come and then 6 show up? I have, and I wished that if people said they would do something, they would....or at least tell the person as soon as you know that you can't!
I know there have been things in my life that I said I'd do, then when it came down to it, I didn't want to, or it wasn't "convenient" (i had something better to do), but I did what I said I would do anyway. We want to be people of our words...if you say it, mean it. Let your yes, be yes, and your no be no.
I need to tell myself this all the time, I am a people pleaser, and it makes it hard for me to say no to people, but I am working on, only say yes to what I know I will be able to do!
It's as easy as that, 1 2 3! ha ha
happy Sunday before Christmas...I'm off to do some last minute present shopping...I still need to get my little angels something for their stockings! enjoy the hot chocolate and christmas music, Sierra
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Remember, God Knows All...

God knows all our problems, and why he allowed them in our help us grow!
So no matter, what someone you love has done, what choices you've made that feel bad, what a boyfriend or girlfriend has done to you, how you've been hurt, how your family has treated you...
God knew it would happen, and he knew that in those hard when you'd really grow and learn the things you need to be amazing in life!
Never give can never justify giving up!
And you can't always listen to what people tell you, a friend, co-worker, parent, they base their advice on personal experiences and emotions instead of God's truth and his grace. Third, you and I are tempted to give up when we focus more on our loss and the negatives than on the hope we have that God has put inside out hearts. And that's when when we end up feeling hopeless and discouraged.
But remember that whatever, we allow to take over our thoughts...especially if it's negative will rule our life! So please, get rid of all sad and discouraging thoughts - whatever they are...right now, and cling on to whatever good thoughts you have...make good thoughts!
And know that God, knows the outcome..what will happen, he knows what's right around in your future! So if you are worried about a relationship, your career, your life.....God knows what is ahead, and what might be better than what you are so worried about!
My heart has been troubled all day, but these words have comforted my heart and if you are hurting today, I hope that these will help you today...
huge, huge love, Sierra
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
there is light in the darkest hour...
every single one of us has been depressed, sad, hurt, hopeless...
whether you are sad over a relationship, the lack of a relationship, no job, not the job you want, no money, huge bills, you're frustrated with your life, your family...
You should not be happy!
This probably sounds weird coming from me...who seems eternally happy, that some people have accused me of being fake! They couldn't figure out how someone could be happy all the time!
And the truth is, I'm not happy all the time. Happiness is based on some thing or event, that MAKES you FEEL happy. (It makes me happy when someone hugs me or says something nice to me....those are my personal examples....)...but JOY is really what I have. Joy is what's in your heart no matter what is going on around you...
I have been through some less than wonderful things in my life, but I have been joyful during these...I've been able to smile, laugh, and be joyfully "happy" during these times...
Not a lot of people have joy in their hearts...and happiness is too wishy-washy to depend on...
If someone doesn't make us happy, we're sad, if nothing exciting or hopeful happens, we're sad...if someone hurts our feelings, we're sad...but JOY is something that we experience in our hearts...that isn't dependent on outside circumstances...
God has put joy in my heart...and I have to remember to ask him for more joy sometimes. People ask me, "how are you so happy?"....And I am not the type to blast people with "religious talk", but I do consider myself to have a relationship with God, and to be a follower of Jesus. If you don't agree with me, that's totally fine....if you do, that's awesome...I just wanted the share the reason that I have joy in my life.
Here's one thing that I heard yesterday, that was so great to let sink into my heart.
Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you
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