Sierra Sando Up-Close!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Does it feel like your life is a Storm ready to sweep you away?
most of us have felt just don't want to go on anymore, you don't want to wake up in the morning. The feelings you feel when you're awake feel like to much, the pain that you feel is too painful. Maybe you've been hurting so much, you feel numb now. Maybe you do things to hurt yourself more than the pain you are already feeling, like cutting yourself, or injuring yourself. Maybe you are even thinking of ending your life, with suicide, or maybe you've felt like it in the past.
I have felt overwhelmed in my life.
I have been heartbroken beyond belief, and sometimes it didn't even involve someone that hurt me - it was my own life that was breaking my heart. It was my choices in life that were breaking my heart. I felt like I even broke God's heart, for the creation he made with love, that wasn't making the best choices for herself, me!
My heart has felt a sea of sadness. It's hard for me to talk to people about my feelings sometimes, And this week was tough, I was dealing with so many things, very stressful things, from money things to heart things, to life so many things!
I want you to know, if you feel like giving up...DON'T - that sad time will pass. You WILL feel happy again. Everyone I know has gone through a sad time, that they felt that the pain was too much, and they didn't want to live. I have friends who I've talked out of suicide, and I have friends that didn't talk to anyone, and they took their life. To know that if they just talked to someone, whatever problem they had, was NOT TOO BIG, nothing is too big! And you will get through it, I promise!
Sometimes people only pray to God when they think they're gonna die ~ and if that's the way you have to do it..that's fine, nothing is too small or too big to pray about. but one quote has always stuck to me "Is prayer your steering wheel or your spare tire?"
God isn't waiting to judge people...he's waiting to love you, like a dad with his arms open to hold you and tell you everything is ok. Now THIS IS NOT TO GET ALL RELIGIOUS on you
This is the only thing that pulled me out of mom talked to me, and reminded me how nothing I've done is too awful, God gives you a fresh day with no guilt, no shame, he just wants to love you and for you to love him in return.
All the hurt we've had in life, will be swapped out for happiness.
I am happy today....despite all my trials and hardships, i am happy because i have my three little princesses to keep me smiling =)
If no one else it telling you it's okay...I am!
It's okay, whatever your heart hurts's okay. Nothing is TOO big for God to handle.
If you feel like it's too much, like you can't go on...don't go on it alone. If no one is there, sometimes God removes everyone there could be to talk to, so the only one left (the most important one) is him.
You will be happy again. You will feel like going on, I promise!
I love you!
You're precious!
And if no one else has told you how amazing you are...I did!
You're amazing, loved, and amazing things to do in this world!
huge love and even bigger hugs (through the computer), your friend Sierra
Monday, May 17, 2010
When life gets too hard to stand...kneel
I have gone through many moments in my life where i have just fallen to my kneels from lack of strength to stand. Many of us can relate to having a perfectly good day and one moment in that day can sweep through and ruin it. i've found that i dont HAVE to dwell on what hurts or is bothering me, yes it's hard not to but just think about it, is worrying, stressing, crying, getting angry, ect.. are any of those things gonna change the situation? most of the time, no. and the moments we spend doing all of that, are moment wasted that could have been full of smiles and happiness.
I have recently hit a lot of bumps in the road, some bumps feel more like mountains, and yes i will cry, but there is never a time where i dont think of my heavenly father, and how he is always there to pick me up if i so much as call his name with a humble heart and pure intent. i have always been one that "appears strong" but inside it's like a battle field and storm of emotions.
I look at my children everyday and want the best for them, i want them to grow up happy and FEEL loved by their mother and father, i want to help them achieve all their wildest dreams and be like their best friend. it's amazing to me how when i feel so brutally torn, emotionally, my little two year old comes up to me out of the blue and just gives me a hug and kisses me and says "i love you mamma", to me it's not only love from my daughter but like divine intervention from god, letting me know things are gonna be ok and sending love to me so i can keep on putting my shoulder to the wheel and move along. my daughter would never SEE when i am troubled because i never let my children see that. but even just seeing their smiles brings warmth to my heart. :)
to all of you who may be hurting today or just having a downer day, remember that you ARE loved, and there is someone out there ready to show that love for you, you are capable of more than you know, dont let these small (yet seem so big right now) moments get you down, notice all the blessings in your life, the sun that shines every day, the air you have to breathe, your friends and family, your freedom!, ect.. we have so much to be greatful for, so i urge you to take the time in the moments when life seems to hard to stand, to count all your blessings and you will feel a little better.
Keep putting your shoulder to the wheel and push along. we will be rewarded for all our hard efforts, you are worth more than you give yourself credit for, and never stop spreading the love and happiness of life. :)
Lots of love and encouragement, if i could i would be your crutch :)
Sierra <3
Friday, April 9, 2010
I'd rather have Smile lines, than Worry warts!
I love this...
Fear has at some time in our lives, stopped us from doing something....
when you're little, maybe a dog barked real loud or tried to bite are now scared of dogs
maybe your heart got you're scared to fall in love
maybe one of your parents abused're scared to trust, love, or scared to feel happiness
you tried to speak your mind once, and it didn't go well, now your afraid to tell people what you think
you tried to talk about your dreams, or pursue them and things didn't go well right away, now you're scared to try, or scared to fail
whatever your FEAR is....go through it, do it anyway!!!
If you are scared to love, scared to go after your dreams, scared you'll fail at something....scared of being hurt.....stop living in the worries....
good quote my friend gave me: "I'd rather have smile lines, than worry warts!"
even if you are scared...go it....
the fear won't go away....but the dreams, the love of your life, the happiness...will...if you let the fear stop you!
So I say...DO IT, DO IT AFRAID, if you have to...but DO NOT let the FEAR stop you!
If you're in a relationship with someone and you feel like you're afraid they will leave you, abandon you, cheat on you, hurt you.......and you feel it's stopping you from being happy! STOP....stop thinking about what you are afraid of....and love them with your whole heart! (ofcourse, unless they have cheated on you...ha ha ha...) Let WISDOM guide your heart, not your FEAR!
If you are afraid of going after your dreams....go after your dreams, shaking in your boots if you have to, but at least you'll be shaking in your boots going after your dreams!
If you are afraid of rejection....start getting rejected!!! ha ha ha...if I had a dollar for everytime I was told no, or someone didn't like what I was wearing, or didn't like the sound of my voice, or that they thought my dreams were dumb and I'd never achieve any of them....MAN!!! I'd be one rich lady!!!! ha ha ha
The sooner you learn that rejection is nothing more than one, silly person's opinion, and your opinion is the one that should matter the most, the better your life will be!
When I was young, if a boyfriend said he didn't like my shoes or shirt, I'd never wear it again! Now, I'd be like, "well it's a good thing you don't have to wear em! I like my boots!" ha ha ha ha....and you know what, even if they don't like em', they respect you for your confidence and your staying true to yourself!
BE SCARED, BE AFRAID....but don't let it stop you!
I got on a roller coaster, SCARED...heart racing, contemplating yelling at the lady, to let me off, but I rode it anyway, and ended up having fun!
I've put outfits on, where I thought, "what if someone makes fun of me!?!", and then I walked out the door saying, "I like it! And if I wear it confidently, no one will bother me! And I got dressed for me, not for them anyway!".....
huge love and confidence, Sierra <3
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Is It Worth It?
I just finished watching the movie 2012 and it had an impact on me... as you know my husband is away right now in iraq, it has been nothing short of difficult.. difficult being and understatement.. i have stayed up countless nights crying myself to sleep by the sadness of him being gone, waking up thinking i could look over and see him, cry tears when the phone rings and my daughter runs to the phone and says "hello daddy?!" and knowing he isn't there like she wants him to be.
Watching that movie brought out the fact that we take our lives for granted, we worry so much about ourselves, our money, our struggles, our hate, our dislikes ect... We should be spending time with our daughters, sons, husbands wives, parents, ect... we should be enjoying the outdoors, making the best out of what we have because quite frankly we have it good, and i feel happy and content with all that i have, i dont need to be a millionaire or a celebrity in hollywood, i dont need a fancy car or diamond earrings. All I NEED is my family.
I realized all the bad habits i have that i dont want my children seeing and doing themselves, i want to be an example to them... THE BEST EXAMPLE!
I know i'm not perfect and probably never will be... but that wont stop me from always trying to be!
People look at the things i wear, the things i do or the way i live and say "she's not trying, she doesnt really want to do good..." but i am, i do... and I WILL
I understand i need to change some things in my life and i am making the baby steps to do so, things dont happen suddenly but my word means NOTHING unless i am showing the effort and know in my heart i am truly trying.
ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS! for instance you could be a smoker and say "yes i will quit smoking" but have you tried? have you sought help when you realized you couldnt do it alone? have you done all you can to follow through with your word?...... or are you just lying..
I know every one of us wants to be better, but were stuck. so i urge you to find something you know you want to change and take those steps you need to accomplish your goal. after all, it is a new year and you only live once... dont waste it on what the world tells you is important, listen to your heart. We are all in this together, and TOGETHER we can make a difference.. one small step at a time :)
"cause when push comes to shove, you taste what your made of. you might bend till you break, cause it's all you can take. on your knee's you look up and say you've had enough, you get mad you get strong, wipe your hands shake it off, then you STAND"
I love you giovanni, we can't wait for you to come home!
Typed with much love and cheering you on to becoming the best version of yourself, remember that everyday the sun rises... making it possible for us to live another day lets not waste it, Sierra
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
When life is exploding!
I read something this morning....
sometimes the most beautiful, peaceful moments....are ones that are found in the middle of "life's explosions"....
It really isn't a sign of peace, when everything is always perfect and calm....
I think real peace, is when our emotions do feel like little bombs are going off, our happiness is exploding right before our eyes, by circumstances...but while everything feels like chaos and craziness.....we are the bright beautiful, glowing light of peace, while all the "dishes" are blasting apart around us.
I have been in some "dish breaking" moments in my life..but the most amazing times, were when I felt peace in my heart, even when it didn't seem like I should....
If it feels like your world is falling apart, that "dishes" and/or emotions are exploding all around you...
this is the time, when a storm of troubles may be "hurricaning" around you, but you can be safely covered in a big umbrella of safety and peace...the big arms of God can come down and wrap you and your heart up, in a safe place for your mind and heart to rest.
Our lives will never be free from every trouble or pain...after all, this isn't called heaven...ha ha ha
But we can rest in the fact that
I've been in some situations where I should have been incredibly upset, crying, very un-peaceful, but in the middle of it, I wasn't....I had peace in my heart, a peace that doesn't make sense to people....sometimes it helps if we stop thinking about how hard our situation is....and focus in the peace that we can have...our hope of getting out of the "trouble-time"....and not worrying one bit about what's going on. There isn't one situation..where freaking out or worrying about something is going to help!
I hope that whatever you are going that each one of us is dealing with "broken dishes" right now..and if not right now, we probably just got through a "dish exploding experience"...we are all in this together! We can all band together and with our encouraging and loving words!
huge love.....typed with love and peace for your day...Sierra
sometimes the most beautiful, peaceful moments....are ones that are found in the middle of "life's explosions"....
It really isn't a sign of peace, when everything is always perfect and calm....
I think real peace, is when our emotions do feel like little bombs are going off, our happiness is exploding right before our eyes, by circumstances...but while everything feels like chaos and craziness.....we are the bright beautiful, glowing light of peace, while all the "dishes" are blasting apart around us.
I have been in some "dish breaking" moments in my life..but the most amazing times, were when I felt peace in my heart, even when it didn't seem like I should....
If it feels like your world is falling apart, that "dishes" and/or emotions are exploding all around you...
this is the time, when a storm of troubles may be "hurricaning" around you, but you can be safely covered in a big umbrella of safety and peace...the big arms of God can come down and wrap you and your heart up, in a safe place for your mind and heart to rest.
Our lives will never be free from every trouble or pain...after all, this isn't called heaven...ha ha ha
But we can rest in the fact that

I hope that whatever you are going that each one of us is dealing with "broken dishes" right now..and if not right now, we probably just got through a "dish exploding experience"...we are all in this together! We can all band together and with our encouraging and loving words!
huge love.....typed with love and peace for your day...Sierra
Sunday, February 14, 2010
So Much Love To Give...
I love loving people...I love giving gifts to people...and I love celebrating...ANYTHING! So every holiday I love to decorate and buy or make things to make people feel special!
I know Valentine's day can feel, not-fun...when you don't feel like you have someone to share all those lovey dovey cards with....but if you don't, just pour that love out on the ones you love...your mom or dad, your kids, or family..a gramma!
Everyone loves or needs to be told that they are loved....
and I remember having some not-so-fun Valentine's day...once being sick, once being lonely and sad that I didn't have anyone to give me any valentine's love...once being on a weird date at gross restaurant...
And the one thing I can tell you is....if you're not having a "splendid" valentine's..know that you will be adored and will feel loved.
Until then...if you that marvelous person hasn't been introduced to your life....have a Valentine's Day to celebrate you!
Things to do to make YOUR Valentine's day special:
Buy yourself some chocolate
Treat yourself to something fun and indulgent...a yummy dinner with friends, a new cd of your favorite songs, some scented body lotion, a new lipgloss...
Take yourself to do something fun, go window shopping, go to a museum, rent a movie...some of my lovey favs include
Love is wonderful....spread some love more and tell the special people in your life how much you love them....
Lots of Love, Sierra
Friday, January 22, 2010
I'm Falling!!!
Each thing in your life that feels discouraging, each person that has broken your spirit, each moment when you've felt more alone than you think you can stand....KNOW that in all those moments...when you stood through grew stronger!
Think of each difficult situation... like doing one more rep of a workout...that you know hurts, but you know when you are are going to have the most chiseled muscle in the world.....
not just sculpted legs..or chiseled arms....but the most important muscle of them all....your constantly beating heart!
In the bible it says, "Guard your heart, for it is the well-spring of life"....and that is so true....
If we strengthen our one or nothing can take us down....
We are all "get-back-uppers"....none of this "we're getting knocked down" way......if we do fall......we're not focusing on the falling...we're focusing on the "get-back-upping"! Because it's not the falling we call failure, it's the STAYING DOWN!
And the best part is...when you have someone that helps pull you up...and that's what i have found many do for me....I love you all so much...and I cherish all your precious words and have stored them in my heart!
huge love, Sierra
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