Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Oh no, BACKWARDS!!!!

sometimes, we have to go backwards in life...and it may seem like, "oh no! now I'm really never going to get where I want to be!"....
but it's like a catapult.....you need to pull the catapult backwards...so it has the power to launch it's object farther ahead!

I know this feeling, I felt like all my dreams were never going to happen. I was going way, way, way, into the WRONG DIRECTION!!! And then I had more of my babies...and thought: "I just really screwed up my life!"......but God knew the whole time, what he was doing... Those babies have actually made me grow better as a person and stronger as a loving wife and mother. My whole inner being just changed, all for the better :)

If you feel like you are going backwards.....in your life, relationship, career, dreams, school...anything....just get ready, because, your probably about to be launched farther into your future...think CATAPULT!!!!

you gotta go backwards...before you catapult into your future!!!!
huge love and catapulting, Sierra

this is how life is sometimes

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