Guten Tag! I am Sierra Sando, Currently living on an army military base in Ansbach, Germany (i have yet to see anything TOO wonderful about it but it is a beautiful country....LOTS of country!haha) My husband is, Of Course, in the military and this is his First (and Last) duty station, his contract is 4 years with the Army and we will spend all that time here in germany, and BOY we can't wait to get out. Yes, there are A LOT of great benefits but we dont find them worth it when our family is constantly seperated for months or a year at a time. Family is very important to me, there is nothing in this world that is greater because when all your friends, co-workers, ect... have left you and the world seems to be crumbling down on you, you will ALWAYS have family. So never neglect or take advantage of your family, because you never know when you will need them or they will need you.
I truly believe in living everyday as if it were your last, because ultimately it could be! Many people fear their husbands deploying to Iraq or Afghanistan, but really we are in just as much danger, think about it, drunk drivers, simple car accident, murder, wrong place wrong time incidents, drowning, fire's, attacked by something in the ocean, shot, ect... We are at a Contstant risk of death everyday and i hate to think i could die on a bad note with my husband, daughters or family and friends.
Learn from your mistakes and constantly strive to be better. I completely live by the motto "when life gets too hard to stand, Kneel and Pray" I've been a receiver of sooooo many blessing from my father in heaven by simply being the best i can be and doing what i know to be right.
Well it's time to meet My Family!!!! YAY!
My Husband whom I Love with Alllllll My heart! He is my best friend, Soul mate, and soon to be Eternal Companion. He is my foundation and my rock in the good times and in the bad, He ALWAYS knows how to brighten my day, he makes me laugh sooo hard thats why i have ABS! haha*
Giovanni Jeffrey Sando- Born November 21st
This is him, goofing off with his Modeling face! haha. He is SUCH an amazing father!
I am a Mother of 3 BEAUTIFUL children that make my life so much brighter, though there are those days i'd like to just get away, haha.
Andrea Isabella Sando- Born January 14th, 2008
She is like my best friend. When i see her smiling face first thing in the morning, it always starts my day off right! she is a GREAT joy in my life, and i can't imagine it without her.
Summer Alexandria Sando- Born March 7th, 2009

Summer is the First born of my twin girls. She truly looks like ME, wanna see!? here ya go!

**the two pic's above are of me as a baby**
She truly is like the warmth of the sun in summer time, she has so many rays of happines to share!
And last but NOT least....
Allison Gabriella Sando- Born March 7th, 2009

Oh my little ally, (no she really is the smallest of all my children) She is my most smiliest child, and brings such joy into our home, if your ever in need of a happy, warm, loving smile, she is always ready to give one.
Quote of the day: "Fear not, (your name), Let earth and hell combine against you,
For if ye are built upon my rock, they cannot prevail!" -God
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